Sunday, January 10, 2010

[Author's note: on deck to chat: Minis]

Final standings for the character chat poll:
Minis 12, Chevenga 9, Niku and Kyriala tied at 7, Gannara 5, Skorsas, Ailadas, Esora-e and Surya tied at 3 and Kallijas, 2.

I have done a little chat research and learned there are services that allow you to set up a chat on any website. So likely we will do the character chat on my upgraded website, simultaneously allowing you all a sneak preview.
You won't have to register on my website but you will have

There are a lot of things that need to be tweaked yet, but it's starting to look very nice.
The book posts haven't been transferred over yet, but the Millennipedia, FAQ and a few other things have been. The forum is set up to go and Shirley and I tested the chat function yesterday.

So we'll at least tentatively set the date and time for 2 p.m. EST Saturday Jan. 16. We'll change that if we get gales of protest from many who can't make it. URL and further instructions to follow.
